Business model

Leverage Gold AG acquires physical commodity deposits with the highest possible leverage on the corresponding commodity price.

In this way, Leverage Gold AG enables its shareholders to make investments with a leverage effect on the physical raw materialinstead of only with Commodity derivatives (Warren Buffett: "Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction").

"Leverage effect" (English: "Leverage") means that small changes in a variable lead to large changes in the result. For example, a leverage of six, with an increase in the gold price of 5%, leads to an increase in the value of the gold deposit of 30%.      

Advantages of the business model

Minimal operating costs, as no expensive and time-consuming extraction of the raw material deposit, but sale of the raw material deposit after the price rises.
Leverage Gold AG's business model can therefore be implemented with low administrative costs and is highly scalable!

In contrast to all other financial products with a leverage effect (options, warrants, futures and CFD contracts), leverage on physical commodity deposits has the same effect, no expiry date.


Initial public offering via "Listing" or "Reverse Takeover (RTO)".  

Financing up to the IPO via the international private placement of shares in Leverage Gold AG.

For this reason, Leverage Gold AG will carry out an initial capital increase with the IPO or shortly after the IPO, which will be followed by further capital increases.

Investments with high leverage on the physical raw material

No expiry date for the lever ("perpetual lever")

Investments exclusively with equity

Minimal operating costs

Business model easily scalable

IPO in planning

International investors are already involved

Retail business

Through a subsidiary, Frankfurter Metallkasse GmbH, Leverage Gold AG (which currently still operates under the name "Deutsche Metallkasse AG") is also active in the retail business with gold, silver, platinum and palladium.

Link to the Frankfurter Metallkasse GmbH

Who we are

Michael Löwenstein
CEO, Founder

Sebastian Ahrendt
IRO, Co-Founder

Patrick Weidl

Contact us

Leverage Gold AG
(Deutsche Metallkasse AG)
Gubelstrasse 12
6300 Zug

Phone +41 (0) 41 - 5 60 91 01